What are initial seeding and large scale recovery and when are they needed

Initial Seeding is a service that helps end users back up large amounts of data to the cloud storage over a slow Internet connection. With this service, the end users are able to save the first full backup locally and then send it to a SecuredStore datacenter for upload. After uploading the initial seeding backup, only incremental backups to that full backup are saved to the cloud.

Large Scale Recovery

Large Scale Recovery is a service that enables end users to obtain a copy of the backups they have in the cloud storage. They can then recover data from this copy. Once they order Large Scale Recovery for a particular machine, you send them a hard disk drive with all of the backups made from this machine. The end users can recover data directly from the disk or copy the backups to a local or network folder.

Initial Seeding

Initial Seeding and Large Scale Recovery are available for all Windows and Linux operating systems supported by SecuredBackup Cloud. It is also available for Mac operating systems.


The typical Initial Seeding workflow to provide the service is as follows:

  1. End user purchases the service and receives the shipping address.
  2. End user creates an initial seeding backup on a local hard drive.
  3. End user packs the hard drive and ships the package to the SecuredStorer datacenter.
  4. SecuredStore uploads the initial seeding backup to the cloud storage by using the Initial Seeding tool and notifies the user that the upload is complete.
  5. SecuredStore sends the hard drive back to the end user or securely destroys the hard drive.

Large Scale Recovery

The typical Large Scale Recovery workflow is as follows:

  1. End user purchases the service and provides LSR token to the SecuredStore.
  2. SecuredStore downloads the end user’s archive(s).
  3. SecuredStore ships a hard drive with the archives to the end user.
  4. End user recovers data from the archive(s).

Initial Seeding/Large Scale Recovery tool

The Initial Seeding/Large Scale Recovery tool supports uploading to/from SecuredBackup Cloud Storage or private cloud storage based on SecuredStore.

How to set up initial seeding/large scale recovery service

SecuredStore recommendations for setting up the service:

  1. Decide on licensing and pricing. Note that there is no count of initial seeding/large scale recovery orders in Acronis Backup Cloud.
  2. Think of the shipping procedure. We recommend Fedex, UPS or DHL as shipping providers.
  3. Decide on a notification service SecuredBackup Cloud does not send notifications upon initial seeding backup creation or upload/download completion.
  4. Allocate a machine for installing the Initial Seeding/Large Scale Recovery tool. You need a Windows/Linux x64 machine with at least 2 GB of RAM and fast Internet connection to SecuredBackup Cloud Storage and/or your custom SecuredBackup Storage installation.
  5. Decide on supported hard drive types. Most of our Customers send the initial seeding backup on USB hard drives. If you want to support more hard drive types, for example SATA/eSATA, make sure the machine is properly equipped for easy hard drive connection.
  6. Install the Initial Seeding/Large Scale Recovery tool on the chosen machine.
  7. Test the Initial Seeding/Large Scale Recovery process: create an initial seeding backup and upload it to the storage, after creating a couple of incremental backups, download the archive using the IS/LSR tool.
  8. Prepare a step-by-step instruction for Customers about using the service.